Working with Diligent Robotics to bring Moxi into your hospital environment is easier and faster than you may think!


Here are some frequently asked questions that will guide your knowledge and understanding of our robot, Moxi, and Diligent Robotics. We also have special videos, white papers, and other content that you might find useful. To access, please contact us to gain access to our password-protected client portal.

 How long does it take to get Moxi working in my hospital/clinical setting? 

Our hospital clients are often surprised to learn that a Moxi implementation takes weeks, not months, to go live. Click the button in the top right to schedule a demo and learn more about Moxi implementation timelines. 

Does Moxi have locking compartments for transporting sensitive samples or materials?

Yes. Moxi has locking compartments that can store a number of things like lab samples, prescriptions, supplies, and much more. 

Can Moxi operate an elevator? Security doors? Automatic doors? 

Yes. Moxi can operate in a variety of secure environments. At Diligent, we believe that the use of existing infrastructure will be the key to success of robots in hospital environments. Our technology allows Moxi to be deployed without the need for costly changes to your building. Moxi fits right in! 

Do I have to plug Moxi in to charge? 

Moxi comes with its own docking station that it navigates to automatically. No human interaction is required to charge Moxi. 

Can Moxi execute staff-requested deliveries? 

Yes. This is one of the most frequent activities Moxi performs. Moxi can be “called” via different methods to execute staff-requested deliveries. 

Can Moxi execute point-to-point deliveries?

Yes. Moxi executes point-to-point deliveries manually or autonomously. 

What kinds of things can Moxi pick up and deliver?

Moxi can pick up and deliver a variety of things including PPE, lab samples, medications, and other supplies. Moxi can even pick up and deliver select personal belongings for patients. 

Does Moxi make any noise?

Yes, Moxi meeps and has voice lines to get nurse’s attention. Moxi also has heart eyes that blink! 

How does Moxi help clinical staff? 

Moxi helps clinical staff in a variety of ways, from fetching and delivering things to securing items from other parts of a hospital. Moxi is capable of helping clinical staff throughout an entire hospital building, not just in one department or floor. 

Does Moxi ever interact with people?

Moxi has sensors that make it sensitive to people walking, standing or moving near it. If Moxi encounters an obstacle it will navigate around it or pause until the obstacle moves. 

Can I buy a Moxi? 

Moxi robots are offered via a “robot-as-a-service”. We work closely with every hospital or clinical environment to deliver an expertly tailored service that fits a facility’s evolving needs.